

2月24日金曜日 春愁や覚悟を迫る顔の紙魚(潤) 入館証の更新で顔写真をブースで撮った。鏡では毎日てめえのツラを見ているが、改めて老醜を突きつけられた。 老醜をさらせるわれも少しだけ翁さぶるか木枯の日は(前登志夫) どうでもよいことですが、 山手線…

1/2 Octopuses and the puzzle of aging by Peter Godfrey-Smith

Around 2008, while snorkeling and scuba diving in my free time, I began watching the unusual group of animals known as cephalopods, the group that includes octopuses, cuttlefish and squid. The first ones I encountered were giant cuttlefish…