

3月18日土曜日 今日も移住先へ出掛けた。部屋の整理と郵便箱の片付けをしたあと、ニトリで家具と雑貨を買い、ノジマ電気で冷蔵庫、オーブン、LEDを調達した(販売員からレンジの説明を受ける細君)。箪笥は在庫がなく、4月下旬での配達となった。何もな…

2/2 Detroit challenges Silicon Valley in developing self-driving cars - by Neal. E. Boudette

The Canadian province of Ontario means to play its own big role in self-driving technology. Earlier this year, General Motors announced that it would create up to 1,000 engineering jobs, many focused on autonomous driving software developm…