

The Aioi Bashi (bridge) ? This writer took a half day off last Wednesdayand walk around Tsukishima in Chuo Ward and Ecchujima/Monzennnakachou in Kohto Ward. The Aioi Bashi bridges Tsukishima and Ecchujima, and a border of the two wards. Th…


8月25日金曜日 社内報の編集者であるPRのハイジから今月号のネタの相談が入った。 原稿案は別のブログに書いた行政からのお達しで、ほぼそのまま纏めて送り込んである。 確かに通関なんかに携わったことのない方から見れば何が適当か判断しにくいのであろ…

1/2 Reserchers connect genes to intelligence - by Carl Zimmer (知能と遺伝子)

Experts say many more await discovery, and environment also counts In a significant advance in the study of mental ability, a team of European and American scientist have announced that they have identified 52 genes linked to intelligence …