

Yurukyara (Costumed Mascot Character) ? Almost every town, city and province have their own unique Yurukyara, and from farm produce, fishery, fruit, to banks, police and fire-departments have their own Yurukyara for sales and awareness pro…


8月26日土曜日 昨日、今日と残暑が厳しい。 蓋あけし如く残暑の来たりけり(星野立子) フェースブックなるものに手を出してみたが、友達は三人までにしている。実は四人居たのであるが、訳の分からぬビデオばかり載せてくるので、その方とは友達を解消した…

2/2 Reserchers connect genes to intelligence - by Carl Zimmer (知能と遺伝子)

Scientists can try combining smaller studies, but they often have merge different test together, potentially masking the effects of genes. As a result, the first generation of genome-wide association studies on intelligence failed to find …