
Son has returned

Son, having?attended the ATEE annual conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia, returned home at midnight on 27 after nearly 30hours flights in three legs, Dubrovnik ? Zagreb ? Dubai ? Tokyo. He brought back small souvenirs(pictured) and odd smell …


10月27日金曜日 浜松町駅の山手線外回りホームの先端にある小便小僧は季節や行事に合わせてコスチュームを替えます。 今朝は、きっとハロウィーンの衣装を着ているだろうと思い見物にホームの端に足を運びました。 一昨年はハロウィーン姿でしたが、今年…

1/2 Should I help my patients die? - by Jessica Nutik Zitter  医師による自死介助

I was leafing through a patient’s chart last year when a colleague tapped me on the shoulder. “I have a patient who is asking about the End of Life Option Act,” he said in a low voice. “Can we even do that here?” I practice both critical a…