
capsicum in a pot

Beautiful chilies in pots are sold at a flower shop for 580 jpyen a pot among other summer flowers like sun flowers. I like seeing flowers but am too lazy and mean to buy and water them. Just stealing their beauty by photo taking, which is…

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Japanese Cartoons, August 28th 2010, P71 日本の漫画 N1P57 ゛The Stonehedge megaliths have been stolen!?゛ So exclaims Professor Munakata at the outset of a rollicking adventure set at the British Museum, in the form of a manga, or Japanese…


7月15日日曜日 立読抜盗句歌集巻三十七は 二階より手を出してみる春の雨(溝渕弘志) にて一巻の読み切りといたしたが、 まだ巻三十八の巻頭第一句が定まらない。 止せばいいのに、うちにも居られず炎天下呑みに出た。誰もいない団地の盆踊り会場を過ぎ、曳…