
Waterfront News

国際商工会議所―2020年版インコタームスのリリース 9月12日 ICC releases Incoterms 2020 The announcement is as under. https://iccwbo.org/media-wall/news-speeches/icc-releases-incoterms-2020/

takes this idea further = 考え(アイデア)を先に進める(発展させる)

The vertical farm at Invergowrie takes this further. It uses LEDS that are highly tuneable. Although the lights produce mostly blue and red wavelengths, researchers now know that other colours play an important role at various stages of a …

「大喰いでなければ - 色川武大」文春文庫 もの食う話 から

「大喰いでなければ - 色川武大」文春文庫 もの食う話 から私の父親は満九十六歳まで生きたけれども、八十のなかばくらいまでは、朝昼晩、一日三回、ドンブリに二杯ずつ、きっちりと米の飯を喰べた。壮年の頃は大ぶりの飯茶碗で三杯か三杯半くらいが定量で…

再Personal finance, January 12th 2013 P70 個人資産の運用

再Personal finance, January 12th 2013 P70 個人資産の運用 Have you ever met anyone who has grown rich just by saving? Probably not. But you may well have met someone who has grown rich looking after other people's savings. That dark secret …

