
*eschewed digital retouching = 画像の修正を避ける、(改竄しない)、

They are eager to emphasise inclusivity, too. According to Mintel, a research firm, over half of consumers in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain reckon fashion retailers should use more realistic models. Thirdlove’s ad feature model…

Waterfront News

関税局―「台風19号の被害に対応した税関手続き」を公表 10月17日 CTB announces the introduction of the typhoon related flexible customs measures Hagibis (aka typhoon No.19) made serious damages to vast areas in the territory, and CTB annou…

「ナゾの季節物、冷やし中華 - 東海林さだお」文春文庫 タコの丸かじり から

「ナゾの季節物、冷やし中華 - 東海林さだお」文春文庫 タコの丸かじり から“冷やし中華始めました”という張り紙が、あちこちのラーメン屋の店頭で見られるようになった。これを見て、「そうか、そうか。もう、そういう季節になったか。そうか、そうか」と…

再Randomised control trial 2/2, December 14th 2013 P68 (無作為抽出調査)

再Randomised control trial 2/2, December 14th 2013 P68 (無作為抽出調査) In other areas, RCTS have revealed as much about what is not known as what is known. Microfinance, for example, does not turn the poor into entrepreneurs, as was hoped…

