
Waterfront News

国交省―国有ラオスに航空営業許可 10月23日 Lao Airlines gets operation license from MLIT Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) announced that it had granted operation license to Lao Airlines in Laos. The airline starts se…

*out of touch =

Victoria’s Secret looks out of touch by comparison. In November Ed Razek, a company executive, dismissed suggestions that its show should have transgender and plus-size models, insisting it was meant to be “fantasy” (he had to apologise). …

「月並礼讚 - 飯田龍太」中公文庫 思い浮ぶこと から

「月並礼讚 - 飯田龍太」中公文庫 思い浮ぶこと からさきごろ、毎日新聞紙上に、評論家の斎藤正二氏が、昨今の俳壇は(その低調ぶりは)まさに昭和天保と称すべきである - といった、たいへんユニークな意見を述べた。大方のところ、蒼?・梅室の徒の流行に…

再William Shakespeare, March 27th 2010 P81 (書評ーシェークスピア)

再William Shakespeare, March 27th 2010 P81 (書評ーシェークスピア) James Shapiro follows his award-winning book on William Shakespeare, ゛1599゛, which came out in 2005, with an unlikely subject:an investigation into the old chestnut that …

