Waterfront News

関税局―関税・外為審議会―関税分科会答申関係議事録公表 1月14日


CTB shares the minute of Tariff Council Meeting on Dec. 12


Tariff council held a meeting and approved the proposed revisions by MOF on customs related acts. This council approval is a step to create a bill to parliament reading.

The minute implies that extension of statute of limitation to reassessment, delinquent duty rates revision and tonnage due revision are in the scope of CTB’s policy setting in FY2020 among other things.



国交省シベリア鉄道を利用した精密機械の輸送トライアルについて 1月14日


MLIT announces a trial transportation of precision machinery through Trans-Siberian Express


MLIT and Russian rail authority have jointly been developing rail connection between Far East and Europe and they take on precision machinery for their trial.
