Waterfront News

国交省―訪日クルーズ船2019年統計公表 1月24日


Numbers of port calling and passengers on pleasure boats declined in 2019


MLIT shares statistics on the visitors coming by ships called as “Cruising Vessels” by the Ministry.

The report says the port calling declined by 2.2% and passenger declined by 12.2% when the number are compared with those of 2018.



東京税関―成田空港輸出入貿易統計2019年分 1月24日


Trade Statistics of Narita Airport for 2019


Tokyo Customs Statistic section collects and analyzes the trade trend at the airport as under.



関税局―保税地域一覧表1月1日現在を公表 1月24日


CTB shares licensed Customs Area (Hozei area) list as of January 1 2020


The premises in which foreign goods can be stored, processed, exhibited and son are controlled by customs and to be licensed. The list shares licensees of the eight categories of those areas.



FAQ 9203-9206 explain what are the areas and relevant matters
