


















Advice sought after:


I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.


Thanks in advance.


BBC CrowdScience How can I motivate myself






So Dan, just before you go, would you be able to summarize what we've talked about into five top tips, some takeaway that people can use ???(1)??? struggling to motivate themselves?




Sure. I do think that five things that people can do.


First, track and record your progress.


Second thing would be don't go for audacious goals, just aim to get little better each day.


Three. Use interrogative self-talk instead of saying to yourself you can do this. Ask yourself a question can you do this and if so how. That would surface your intrinsic motivation and the strategies for getting the job done.


Fourth. When you talk to yourself, each week have two ???(2)??? of conversations about how you are going to do something, and two more about why you do it in the first.


And finally number five. Make a public commitment. Have someone ???(3)???. In fact there is whole line of practice and even research on what is called commitments, where if I say to you I eat healthy vegetable every day for the next 30 days, and if I don't, then I ???(4)??? contribute money to political candidate whom I despise. I make that commitment publicly. It's a little ???(5)??? someone, but public commitments can be extraordinarily valuable.




Jun san - 1 = when they're (when they are); 2 = fewer; 3 = hold you to it (means - make sure you do it); 4 = I'm gonna (short form of "going to", commonly used in the USA) 5 = It's a little controlling if it comes from someone else (I think this means that if people follow his advice it could be seen as being influenced by another person rather than making your own decision). Hope this helps.