Waterfront Weekly


Waterfront Weekly


Plant Quarantine updates Australia’s quarantine conditions information
Plant Quarantine office has been collecting information on other countries’ plant quarantine requisites on the stuff concerned. The office disseminates the information on Australia as of December 21, 2020 at the link as under.
オーストラリア:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


食品検査―ベトナム産きびその加工品(きびを30%以上含むもの) 12月24日 

Food safety authority alerted millets (Panicum miliaceum) and its preparation containing more than 30% millets from Vietnam


The authority alerted that millets and its preparation because it has identified, aflatoxin, AFT, a controlled substance by Food Sanitation Law, from the shipment coming from Vietnam. The authority has determined mandatory inspection against the inbound shipments of the stuff from Vietnam.

輸入食品に対する検査命令の実施|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)


関税局―英日CEPA説明会ビデオ・資料公開 12月24日


Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) publishes the video and other materials used at UK-JP CEPA Explanation Seminar.

日英包括的経済連携協定の発効前説明会を開催しました(オンライン) : 税関 Japan Customs


関税局―提出書類への押印省略関連通達改正 12月24日


Customs Tariff Act Standing Circular revised for omitting HANKO (seal)

<4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D208CF68A4A92CA9242817995CA8E868251814690568B8C817A8AD690C592E897A6964092CA924281698FBA98613437944E82528C8E825093FA91A08AD691E63130318D86816A2E646F6378> (customs.go.jp)


関税局―英日CEPA関連-「畜産経営の安定に関する法律に基づく指定乳製品等の輸入通関の際に おける取扱いについて」を改定 12月23日

The Standing Circular for the “Law Concerning Stability of Livestock Management” is revised to harmonize it with UK-JP CEPA. The standing Circular sets the procedures concerning the dairy produces import, especially when the import is delegated by the government. In such a case the importers acting for governments must submit certificates to customs at filings as the standing order stipulates.

(令和2年12月22日財関第1117号) : 税関 Japan Customs



国交省―6海港コンテナ取扱量統計10月分 12月22日

Ocean container handling records at 6 major port for October 2020

報道発表資料:港湾統計速報(主要6港の外国貿易貨物のコンテナ個数)令和2年10月分 - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)


厚労省―人口動態推計2020年発表 12月22日済

MHLW released demographic estimate for 2020

Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare (MHLW) released subject line statistical estimates of hatch, match and dispatch every year at the end of year. This year the office gives up to estimate them for this peculiar year.

令和2年(2020)人口動態統計の年間推計について (mhlw.go.jp)


厚労省―勤労統計(確報値)10月分 12月22日

MHWL releases Labor Market (payment) Statistics for October 2020

Ministry of Health Welfare and Labor (MHWL)releases the statistics as under, saying that the payment for full time workers decreased by 1.4% and for part time workers it decreased by 1.5%, and part time worker’s hourly wage rose 2.2% when they are compared with the same month in2019.

【1Pマクロ後】10月確報 (mhlw.go.jp)


食品検査―令和2年度4月~9月の監視指導結果を公表 12月21日

Food Inspection Service reports April to September inspection results.

令和2年度輸入食品監視指導計画に基づく監視指導結果(中間報告)の公表 (mhlw.go.jp)


関税局―英日AEOの相互承認 12月21日

UK and JP have agreed to respect Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) status granted by each other.

日英間でAEO(認定事業者)制度の相互承認に合意しました : 財務省 (mof.go.jp)