Waterfront Weekly

Waterfront Weekly


国交省―高速道路におけるトラックの後続車無人隊列走行技術を実現 3月5日

MLIT completes freeway driving trials on Unmanned Tracks following the man driven first track.

報道発表資料:高速道路におけるトラックの後続車無人隊列走行技術を実現しました - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)


経産省―輸出貿易管理―安全保障貿易説明会ビデオ公開 3月5日

METI-Security Trade Office shares the presentation video on security export control.



関税局―カルネ貨物の蔵置官署以外の官署への申告について 3月4日

CTB announces that it applies location and filing office rules flexibly for the cargo listed in ATA carnet, as far as the fillers are AEO.

CTB Circular

honbun.pdf (customs.go.jp)

Schema and explanation

aeo_karune.pdf (customs.go.jp)


植物防疫所―種子が封入された鉛筆の輸入について注意 3月2日

Plant Protection Authority cautions the import of pencils containing (embedded) plant seeds, as these goods might be adverse to nature and plant seeds are controlled by Plant Protection Act. The Act governs E-Commerce import with regardless of amount, the following announcement from the authority says.

種子が封入された鉛筆(芽が出る鉛筆)等の雑貨を輸入(購入)する方への注意点:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


関税局―減免関係事前教示公開 3月2日

CTB shares an advance ruling information on duty exemption concerning Customs Tariff Act 15-1-2 “articles donated to institutions set forth in the preceding item for the purpose of academic research and education”.

Ruling information

jizen_koukai_2020_5.pdf (customs.go.jp) (the content is poor)

Customs Tariff Act in English



食品検査―インド産バジルシード及びベトナム産にんじん 3月1日 

Food safety authority alerted basil seeds from India and carrots from Vietnam

The authority alerted that basil seeds because it has identified, aflatoxin, AFT, a controlled substance by Food Sanitation Law, from the shipment coming from India. The authority also identified hexaconazole, another controlled substance, from the carrots coming from Vietnam. The authority has determined mandatory inspection against the inbound shipments of the items from respective countries.

輸入食品に対する検査命令の実施|厚生労働省 (mhlw.go.jp)



Customs and Tariff Bureau (CTB) announces the revision of Customs Act Standing Circular effective February 26 2021. This revision enables exhibitions and auctions within customs hozei areas.

annex1.pdf (customs.go.jp)

annex3.pdf (customs.go.jp)


植物検疫―オーストラリア及び台湾の植物検疫情報表更新 3月1日
Plant Quarantine updates Australia’s and Taiwan’s quarantine conditions information
Plant Quarantine office has been collecting information on other countries’ plant quarantine requisites on the stuff concerned. The office disseminates the information on Australia and Taiwan as of February 26, 2021 at the link as under.
オーストラリア:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)

台湾:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


経産省―国際課税研究会設置 3月1日

METI sets up a global taxation study group

「デジタル経済下における国際課税研究会」を設置します (METI/経済産業省)