Waterfront Weekly

Waterfront Weekly


動物検疫―オーストラリアからの家きん輸入停止解除 4月9日

Poultry import ban lifted (Australia) 

Animal Quarantine Office announces that poultry import ban against poultry from Australia is lifted as the notice informs as under.

豪州からの生きた家きん、家きん肉等の一時輸入停止措置の解除について:農林水産省 (maff.go.jp)


Plant Quarantine updates Australia’s quarantine conditions information
Plant Quarantine office has been collecting information on other countries’ plant quarantine requisites on the stuff concerned. The office disseminates the information on Australia as of April 8, 2021 at the link as under.
オーストラリア:植物防疫所 (maff.go.jp)


経産省厚労省―コロナ関係検査証明のデジタル証明 4月7日

METI and MHWL announce that Testing Center for Overseas Travelers starts issuing COVID19 related health certificates in digital forms.

「海外渡航者新型コロナウイルス検査センター(TeCOT)」のデジタル証明が可能となります (METI/経済産業省)


動物検疫―欧州向け混合食品の証明手続き追加情報 4月7日

Animal Quarantine Office shares information on certain food produces, namely composite product, to be exported EU member countries and some countries in Europe.

The notice hereunder states what official health certificates are required by the importing countries in Europe from this April 21. And the protocol for obtaining the certificates in Japan.

yusyutu_shinsei_ousyu-100.pdf (maff.go.jp)


家きんの畜産物の輸出:動物検疫所 (maff.go.jp)



Labor market statistics for January (Final)

MHLW releases labor market payments statistics at the address as under, and its summary says full time workers average total payment downed by 1.7% to that of the same month in 2020. Part time workers total payment also decreased by 1.5%. Hourly payment for part time workers downed by 0.6%.

【1Pマクロ後】1月確報 (mhlw.go.jp)


関税局―関税評価ポータル―「よくある質問」を更新 4月6日

CTB updates FAQ on Customs Valuation.

関税評価(課税価格) : 税関 Japan Customs


経産省―輸出貿易管理―安全保障貿易―大学・研究機関向け法令順守資料 4月5日

METI, Export Security Trade Control Office shares compliance related material for universities and research institutes as under.


安全保障貿易管理**Export Control*大学・研究機関 (meti.go.jp)

大学における該非判定のための手引き書guide book

gaihihantei_hontai.pdf (meti.go.jp)

事例集cases for study

gaihihantei_jireishu.pdf (meti.go.jp)

その他資料 other material for compliance



MLIT shares Air Freight Statistics for January 2021.

報道発表資料:航空輸送統計速報(令和3年1月分) - 国土交通省 (mlit.go.jp)


関税局―2021年4月版関税率表公表 4月1日

Customs and Tariff Bureau shares Tariff Table effective on April 1 2021

Japan's Tariff Schedule as of April 1 2021 : Japan Customs


関税局―輸出入統計品目コードの一部改訂 4月1日

CTB announces that some of Export and Import Statistics Codes for the goods are revised.

2021kokuji091.pdf (customs.go.jp)