Advice sought after


Holiday at hand. Kamichiba-Sunahara Park, Nishi-Kameari 1 Chome

Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.



BBC World Service - CrowdScience, What's the best way to make a decision?

There is something else that most of us depend on when we are making decisions, even if we are not aware of it. And a research shows it can be really valuable when it comes to making up our minds, even if it sounds like it's very reliable. I am talking about intuition.
It's a type of knowledge that we know without knowing how. While we might reason to things with conscious awareness, intuition happens without us really knowing how, and without, you know, consciously going through the different steps to arrive at our conclusion or knowledge.
This is Valerie van Mulukom, an Assistant Professor at Coventry University in the U.K. She studies gut feelings.
You might be driving on the road late at night, and so the visibility is poor, and then suddenly you have an intuition to watch out, extra carefully, for example. You don't know why you have intuition ???(1)???. You watch an ???(2)??? cyclist without a light, emergence out of the darkness or something like that. And so you had not noticed him consciously, but sub-conscious processing, then, had been going on had picked up on something, maybe you saw tiny reflector in distance. You didn't register consciously, but sub-consciously it happened, and because it was significant. It rang the bell. So, you know, it might triggered threats or danger or something like that, which is, you know, emotional process that then might, for example, ???(3)???
“Oh something is going on” and you paid attention and then it ???(4)??? conscious awareness.