Advice sought after


The system is at work at least at present at the back of Heisei Tateishi Hospital in Tateishi.


Advice sought after:

I listen to and dictate BBC programs (podcasts) to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you can tell me what they are saying and also correct my incorrect catching in the attempted transcript.

Thanks in advance.


BBC Crowd Science Can video games help me or harm me?

I said that whole research literature is collapsing and ???(1)???.
This is professor Andrew Przybylski from the University of Oxford, where he studies why people play video games and how they might affect us. He is very critical ???(2)??? some of the early researches in this field, which claim to show link between video games and violence or aggression.
You could argue that there is nobody has really studied video games properly. Often that that kind of things that a scientist does to get paper published, to get headlines, to get clicks. It's not the same kind of thing necessarily, constitutes, you know, solid science.
What does Andrew mean by lack of solid science in this field?
Well, some of the work try to look at the effects of gaming on behavior in the lab. So you might ask some people to play a violent game. They require you to ???(3)??? and shoot people. And then you get others to play non-violent games like suitable for kids. And then you ask both of the afterwards how angry or aggressive they feel.
The main problem with this is that games that have, you know, mature rating or E.T. ???(4)??? rating. They are actually very different in game that are made for toddlers. ???(5)??? reasons completely unrelated to violence. The factor that matter is they are harder to play. They are lot more frustrating. And so that there have been quite number of studies that show that actually ???(6)??? when people get ???(7)??? less happy in the lab when they play a violent video game, or what's really happening that is the game frustrated.