
Max’s best picture of the week

The picture is Max’s 9 th?birthday’s party photo shared by Charlotte. He looks young, doesn’t he? (Overview) MeteorologicalAgency declared the end of rainy season (Tsuyu) in Tokyo area on Friday. (WaterFront) Bossand I went to a seaport of…


6月29日金曜日 夏になったのですか?暑い中ユリカモメ(LRT)に乗ってお台場のお役所に包括評価を出しに参りました。 レインボウブリッジは夏の日射しを受けて輝いていましたが、美しさという点では夏がよろしいと思います。 写真2は芝浦付近から虹橋とお…

1/2 The earliest misunderstood artists were Neanderthals - by Carl Zimmer Feb. 28, 2018 ネアンデルタール人の芸術

It’s long been an insult to be called a Neanderthal. But the more these elusive, vanished people have been studied, the more respect they’ve gained among scientists. Recently, a team of researchers offered compelling evidence that Neandert…