Max’s best picture of the week

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The picture is Max’s 9 th?birthday’s party photo shared by Charlotte. He looks young, doesn’t he?
MeteorologicalAgency declared the end of rainy season (Tsuyu) in Tokyo area on Friday.
Bossand I went to a seaport office on Wednesday and to an airport office on Thursday for in-house auditing.
OnFriday I went to Customs Head Office to file bulk valuation on behalf of a client. Customs sometimes evokes Article 4 of Customs Tariff Act for determining transfer prices. I don’t like that expansion of the regulatory scope. I think transfer prices don’t mature or ferment into actually paid transaction value by the passage of time. I believe deductive method is the best way to determine the value of goods transferred between related companies who are using transfer prices for their internal asset record keeping and dodging taxes.
Itook the Rainbow Bridges pictures on my way to Customs House.
Allquiet on Home Front, though Kiku-chan always tells me do this and do that, and don’t do this and don’t do that.
Iate the first Hiyashi Chuka (cold soup Ramen) in this summer on Friday at “Tenka Ichi” (a shop) in Shinbashi Karasumori.
TodayI visited an urologist for periodical examination, and blood sample wastaken. The results would turn out August 4. So far there has been no subjective symptom and I can drink and smoke. ???