
Sakura Castle Ruins

I walked around Sakura city, which is next to Narita city in which Narita International Airport located. I sometimes go to Narita Airport. I went there last Wednesday to attend Animal Quarantine’s explanation seminar concerning “The expans…

Train ad beauty

This coming Sunday is a voting day of Parliament Members snap election, and an office in Executive Branch of the government has hurriedly unfolded publicity campaign in short notice that encouraging people to go to ballot boxes. It seems t…


10月19日木曜日 ドックの受付は9時からなのでゆっくりと8時ころ家を出てもよいのだが、いつも通りに6時15分に出た。 いつも通りに電気ビル裏のプロントに入ったが、今朝はお茶だけにするので、レジのアキ子さんに“今朝はお茶だけネ!”と一声かけて…